Domestic Violence Shelters
You may always call 2-1-1 or (858) 300-1211 (from a cell phone) or visit the 2-1-1 webpage for assistance seeking a domestic violence assistance program or shelter near you.
You may always call 2-1-1 or (858) 300-1211 (from a cell phone) or visit the 2-1-1 webpage for assistance seeking a domestic violence assistance program or shelter near you.
Break the Silence
855-287-1777 (24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline)
Educate communities on the dangers of domestic violence, connect victims and survivors, and assist in the transformation of lives of victims of domestic violence, by providing a personal development retreat, educational programs, and an advocate hotline.
855-287-1777 (24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline)
Educate communities on the dangers of domestic violence, connect victims and survivors, and assist in the transformation of lives of victims of domestic violence, by providing a personal development retreat, educational programs, and an advocate hotline.
Center for Community Solutions
Phone: 858-272-5777
24-Hour Toll Free Hotline: 1-888-385-4657
Project Safehouse: 619-631-6442
Hidden Valley House: 760-480-0055
(safe, confidential locations)
• No-cost 30-day emergency shelter program for domestic violence (female and male) victims and their children
• Safety planning including all members of the family
• Provides Food & Clothing
• Linkage to CCS legal services
• Referral information to community support services
• On-site support groups for adults
• Children’s services include counseling, recreational activities, parent education, enrollment in school, and advocacy related to child safety
• Assistance with obtaining long-term safe housing, including transitional housing
Phone: 858-272-5777
24-Hour Toll Free Hotline: 1-888-385-4657
Project Safehouse: 619-631-6442
Hidden Valley House: 760-480-0055
(safe, confidential locations)
• No-cost 30-day emergency shelter program for domestic violence (female and male) victims and their children
• Safety planning including all members of the family
• Provides Food & Clothing
• Linkage to CCS legal services
• Referral information to community support services
• On-site support groups for adults
• Children’s services include counseling, recreational activities, parent education, enrollment in school, and advocacy related to child safety
• Assistance with obtaining long-term safe housing, including transitional housing
Crisis House
1034 N. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020
(619) 444-1194
Program Hours/Days
Monday - Friday
8:30 am- 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch 12 - 1 pm
New Journey Program
This long term transitional housing program serves women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence. We provide safe housing in apartments that are fully furnished in confidential locations throughout San Diego County. We have a long term partnership with Soroptomist International of Poway and Ranch Bernardo. The organization subsidizes and fully furnishes several units provided by Community Housing Works. Soroptomists also mentor the women during and after they leave the program. We support families recovering from their trauma by providing individual and group counseling, case management, health care, food, and other critical support services. They learn how to identify red flags in toxic relationships, provide emotional support to each other, rebuild self-esteem, and set healthy boundaries leading to creating a non-violent family unit. Women are empowered to make positive lifestyle changes to transition to a self-sufficient healthy, independent life which includes increasing income and moving to permanent housing when they leave the program.
1034 N. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020
(619) 444-1194
Program Hours/Days
Monday - Friday
8:30 am- 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch 12 - 1 pm
New Journey Program
This long term transitional housing program serves women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence. We provide safe housing in apartments that are fully furnished in confidential locations throughout San Diego County. We have a long term partnership with Soroptomist International of Poway and Ranch Bernardo. The organization subsidizes and fully furnishes several units provided by Community Housing Works. Soroptomists also mentor the women during and after they leave the program. We support families recovering from their trauma by providing individual and group counseling, case management, health care, food, and other critical support services. They learn how to identify red flags in toxic relationships, provide emotional support to each other, rebuild self-esteem, and set healthy boundaries leading to creating a non-violent family unit. Women are empowered to make positive lifestyle changes to transition to a self-sufficient healthy, independent life which includes increasing income and moving to permanent housing when they leave the program.
License to Freedom
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (Middle Eastern Populations)
Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Dari Languages
License to Freedom (619) 813-7415
Email: [email protected]
Program Hours/Days
8:30 am-4:00 pm
Counseling, case management, legal assistance, restraining orders, and emotional support. that is culturally and linguistically appropriate.
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (Middle Eastern Populations)
Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Dari Languages
License to Freedom (619) 813-7415
Email: [email protected]
Program Hours/Days
8:30 am-4:00 pm
Counseling, case management, legal assistance, restraining orders, and emotional support. that is culturally and linguistically appropriate.
YWCA of San Diego
619.234.3164 (24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline)
1012 C Street, 92101 San Diego
Crisis intervention, safety planning, shelter placement, and information, referrals and legal services. Se habla Español.
Shelters Supported By YWCA:
Passages: 619.239.0355
The 12-18 month program offers 62 beds of transitional housing, case management, financial education, counseling and employment assistance for single homeless women to overcome trauma and transition into independent living. Many of these women are victims of domestic violence or other trauma, and have little or no income. The program focuses on developing individual plans that address specific barriers and lead to employment and permanent housing.
Becky's House: 619.234.3164
1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. The Becky’s House program encompasses a 24-hour domestic violence hotline, an emergency shelter and four transitional housing communities, coupled with supportive services. With a total of 190 beds for victims of domestic violence, Becky’s House is the largest provider in San Diego County.
Cortez Hill Family Center: 619.239.0355 (Temporarily closed until further notice)
The 120-day program offers 150 beds of transitional housing, case management, counseling, and employment assistance, for homeless families to overcome trauma and transition into independent living. Cortez Hill Family Center focuses on stabilizing the family unit and developing individual plans to regain employment and obtain permanent housing.
619.234.3164 (24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline)
1012 C Street, 92101 San Diego
Crisis intervention, safety planning, shelter placement, and information, referrals and legal services. Se habla Español.
Shelters Supported By YWCA:
Passages: 619.239.0355
The 12-18 month program offers 62 beds of transitional housing, case management, financial education, counseling and employment assistance for single homeless women to overcome trauma and transition into independent living. Many of these women are victims of domestic violence or other trauma, and have little or no income. The program focuses on developing individual plans that address specific barriers and lead to employment and permanent housing.
Becky's House: 619.234.3164
1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. The Becky’s House program encompasses a 24-hour domestic violence hotline, an emergency shelter and four transitional housing communities, coupled with supportive services. With a total of 190 beds for victims of domestic violence, Becky’s House is the largest provider in San Diego County.
Cortez Hill Family Center: 619.239.0355 (Temporarily closed until further notice)
The 120-day program offers 150 beds of transitional housing, case management, counseling, and employment assistance, for homeless families to overcome trauma and transition into independent living. Cortez Hill Family Center focuses on stabilizing the family unit and developing individual plans to regain employment and obtain permanent housing.